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  • Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe L&D Wascoenergy
    What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust.
    2 Lessons 00:11:59 Hours English Advanced
    1 Ratings
  • How To Build (and rebuild) Trust L&D Wascoenergy
    Trust is the foundation for everything we do. But what do we do when it's broken? In an eye-opening talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it.
    2 Lessons 00:15:05 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings
  • Leading with Laughter: The Power of Humor in Leadership L&D Wascoenergy
    The workplace needs laughter. Laughter relieves stress and boredom, boosts engagement and well-being, and spurs not only creativity and collaboration but also analytic precision and productivity.
    2 Lessons 00:11:45 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings
  • What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work? L&D Wascoenergy
    In this enlightening TED Talk, behavioural economist Dan Ariely shares his experiments and findings about what motivates today’s workers. Merely issuing a pay check won’t keep people energized. Learn more!
    2 Lessons 00:20:26 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings
  • Great Leadership Starts with Self-leadership Vivian Tay
    In this funny and invigorating talk, Lars walks us through the personal journeys of great leaders, shows lessons from the golden age of leadership and shares 3 strategies on self-leadership to develop yourself into a "Utopia leader”
    2 Lessons 00:12:47 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings