Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is rapidly becoming one of the most visible and durable megatrends in the financial community. But why is it important to the energy sector? Enroll to know more about the shift in the investment community and ESG impacts the Energy Sector.
Like many companies in other sectors, oil and gas companies are increasingly confronted with the need to address Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) imperatives in their businesses. Traditionally viewed as ‘license to operate’ issues—effectively ensuring that companies continued to have ‘social permission’ to operate—these considerations have assumed an ever-greater importance as companies face both an accelerating energy transition and increased shareholder activism and government regulation. The important thing for energy companies to do in 2021, if they haven’t already, is to get started and be proactive in addressing ESG issues.
Course Outline:
1. Overview of ESG
2. ESG: Is it here to stay, or just a fad?
3. ESG ratings explained
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